preterit perfect

In this tense the auxiliary verb “haber” is used in the preterit tense with the past participle. It is rarely used in speech. It can be thought of as a feature of formal literary Spanish. It is usually used after: apenas (barely), despues de que (after), cuando (when), enseguida que (soon after), en cuanto (all of a sudden), tan pronto como (as soon as), una vez que (once).

yo hube hablado
I had talked
hubiste hablado
you had talked
él/ella/usted hubo hablado
he/she/you had talked
nosotros hubimos hablado
we had talked
vosotros hubisteis hablado
you had talked
ellos/ellas/ustedes hubieron hablado
they/you had talked
yo hube servido
I had served
hubiste servido
you had served
él/ella/usted hubo servido
he/she/you had served
nosotros hubimos servido
we had served
vosotros hubisteis servido
you had served
ellos/ellas/ustedes hubieron servido
they/you had served

- Apenas hubo llegado, y se fue. (He had just arrived when he left.)