
to brush
-ar verb
yo cepillo
I brush
you brush
él cepilla
he brushes
nosotros cepillamos
we brush
vosotros cepilláis
you brush
ellos cepillan
they brush
yo cepillaba
I used to brush / I was brushing
you used to brush / you were brushing
él cepillaba
he used to brush / he was brushing
nosotros cepillábamos
we used to brush / we were brushing
vosotros cepillabais
you used to brush / you were brushing
ellos cepillaban
they used to brush / they were brushing
yo cepillé
I brushed
you brushed
él cepilló
he brushed
nosotros cepillamos
we brushed
vosotros cepillasteis
you brushed
ellos cepillaron
they brushed
yo cepillaré
I will brush
you will brush
él cepillará
he will brush
nosotros cepillaremos
we will brush
vosotros cepillaréis
you will brush
ellos cepillarán
they will brush
yo cepillaría
I would brush
you would brush
él cepillaría
he would brush
nosotros cepillaríamos
we would brush
vosotros cepillaríais
you would brush
ellos cepillarían
they would brush
yo cepille
I brush
you brush
él cepille
he brushes
nosotros cepillemos
we brush
vosotros cepilléis
you brush
ellos cepillen
they brush
yo cepillara
I brushed
you brushed
él cepillara
he brushed
nosotros cepilláramos
we brushed
vosotros cepillarais
you brushed
ellos cepillaran
they brushed
yo cepillase
I brushed
you brushed
él cepillase
he brushed
nosotros cepillásemos
we brushed
vosotros cepillaseis
you brushed
ellos cepillasen
they brushed
yo he cepillado
I have brushed
has cepillado
you have brushed
él ha cepillado
he has brushed
nosotros hemos cepillado
we have brushed
vosotros habéis cepillado
you have brushed
ellos han cepillado
they have brushed
yo había cepillado
I had brushed
habías cepillado
you had brushed
él había cepillado
he had brushed
nosotros habíamos cepillado
we had brushed
vosotros habíais cepillado
you had brushed
ellos habían cepillado
they had brushed
yo hube cepillado
I had brushed
hubiste cepillado
you had brushed
él hubo cepillado
he had brushed
nosotros hubimos cepillado
we had brushed
vosotros hubisteis cepillado
you had brushed
ellos hubieron cepillado
they had brushed
yo habré cepillado
I will have brushed
habrás cepillado
you will have brushed
él habrá cepillado
he will have brushed
nosotros habremos cepillado
we will have brushed
vosotros habréis cepillado
you will have brushed
ellos habrán cepillado
they will have brushed
yo habría cepillado
I would have brushed
habrías cepillado
you would have brushed
él habría cepillado
he would have brushed
nosotros habríamos cepillado
we would have brushed
vosotros habríais cepillado
you would have brushed
ellos habrían cepillado
they would have brushed
yo haya cepillado
I have brushed
hayas cepillado
you have brushed
él haya cepillado
he has brushed
nosotros hayamos cepillado
we have brushed
vosotros hayáis cepillado
you have brushed
ellos hayan cepillado
they have brushed
yo hubiera cepillado
I had brushed
hubieras cepillado
you had brushed
él hubiera cepillado
he had brushed
nosotros hubiéramos cepillado
we had brushed
vosotros hubierais cepillado
you had brushed
ellos hubieran cepillado
they had brushed
yo hubiese cepillado
I had brushed
hubieses cepillado
you had brushed
él hubiese cepillado
he had brushed
nosotros hubiésemos cepillado
we had brushed
vosotros hubieseis cepillado
you had brushed
ellos hubiesen cepillado
they had brushed
yo estoy cepillando
I am brushing
estás cepillando
you are brushing
él está cepillando
he is brushing
nosotros estamos cepillando
we are brushing
vosotros estáis cepillando
you are brushing
ellos están cepillando
they are brushing
cepilla (tú)
no cepilles (tú)
do not brush
cepille (usted)
no cepille (usted)
do not brush
cepillemos (nosotros)
let's brush
no cepillemos (nosotros)
let's not brush
cepillad (vosotros)
no cepilléis (vosotros)
do not brush
cepillen (ustedes)
no cepillen (ustedes)
do not brush