
to choke, to smother, to suffocate, to stifle
-ar verb
spelling change: c becomes qu before e
yo sofoco
I suffocate
you suffocate
él sofoca
he suffocates
nosotros sofocamos
we suffocate
vosotros sofocáis
you suffocate
ellos sofocan
they suffocate
yo sofocaba
I used to suffocate / I was suffocating
you used to suffocate / you were suffocating
él sofocaba
he used to suffocate / he was suffocating
nosotros sofocábamos
we used to suffocate / we were suffocating
vosotros sofocabais
you used to suffocate / you were suffocating
ellos sofocaban
they used to suffocate / they were suffocating
yo sofoqué
I suffocated
you suffocated
él sofocó
he suffocated
nosotros sofocamos
we suffocated
vosotros sofocasteis
you suffocated
ellos sofocaron
they suffocated
yo sofocaré
I will suffocate
you will suffocate
él sofocará
he will suffocate
nosotros sofocaremos
we will suffocate
vosotros sofocaréis
you will suffocate
ellos sofocarán
they will suffocate
yo sofocaría
I would suffocate
you would suffocate
él sofocaría
he would suffocate
nosotros sofocaríamos
we would suffocate
vosotros sofocaríais
you would suffocate
ellos sofocarían
they would suffocate
yo sofoque
I suffocate
you suffocate
él sofoque
he suffocates
nosotros sofoquemos
we suffocate
vosotros sofoquéis
you suffocate
ellos sofoquen
they suffocate
yo sofocara
I suffocated
you suffocated
él sofocara
he suffocated
nosotros sofocáramos
we suffocated
vosotros sofocarais
you suffocated
ellos sofocaran
they suffocated
yo sofocase
I suffocated
you suffocated
él sofocase
he suffocated
nosotros sofocásemos
we suffocated
vosotros sofocaseis
you suffocated
ellos sofocasen
they suffocated
yo he sofocado
I have suffocated
has sofocado
you have suffocated
él ha sofocado
he has suffocated
nosotros hemos sofocado
we have suffocated
vosotros habéis sofocado
you have suffocated
ellos han sofocado
they have suffocated
yo había sofocado
I had suffocated
habías sofocado
you had suffocated
él había sofocado
he had suffocated
nosotros habíamos sofocado
we had suffocated
vosotros habíais sofocado
you had suffocated
ellos habían sofocado
they had suffocated
yo hube sofocado
I had suffocated
hubiste sofocado
you had suffocated
él hubo sofocado
he had suffocated
nosotros hubimos sofocado
we had suffocated
vosotros hubisteis sofocado
you had suffocated
ellos hubieron sofocado
they had suffocated
yo habré sofocado
I will have suffocated
habrás sofocado
you will have suffocated
él habrá sofocado
he will have suffocated
nosotros habremos sofocado
we will have suffocated
vosotros habréis sofocado
you will have suffocated
ellos habrán sofocado
they will have suffocated
yo habría sofocado
I would have suffocated
habrías sofocado
you would have suffocated
él habría sofocado
he would have suffocated
nosotros habríamos sofocado
we would have suffocated
vosotros habríais sofocado
you would have suffocated
ellos habrían sofocado
they would have suffocated
yo haya sofocado
I have suffocated
hayas sofocado
you have suffocated
él haya sofocado
he has suffocated
nosotros hayamos sofocado
we have suffocated
vosotros hayáis sofocado
you have suffocated
ellos hayan sofocado
they have suffocated
yo hubiera sofocado
I had suffocated
hubieras sofocado
you had suffocated
él hubiera sofocado
he had suffocated
nosotros hubiéramos sofocado
we had suffocated
vosotros hubierais sofocado
you had suffocated
ellos hubieran sofocado
they had suffocated
yo hubiese sofocado
I had suffocated
hubieses sofocado
you had suffocated
él hubiese sofocado
he had suffocated
nosotros hubiésemos sofocado
we had suffocated
vosotros hubieseis sofocado
you had suffocated
ellos hubiesen sofocado
they had suffocated
yo estoy sofocando
I am suffocating
estás sofocando
you are suffocating
él está sofocando
he is suffocating
nosotros estamos sofocando
we are suffocating
vosotros estáis sofocando
you are suffocating
ellos están sofocando
they are suffocating
sofoca (tú)
no sofoques (tú)
do not suffocate
sofoque (usted)
no sofoque (usted)
do not suffocate
sofoquemos (nosotros)
let's suffocate
no sofoquemos (nosotros)
let's not suffocate
sofocad (vosotros)
no sofoquéis (vosotros)
do not suffocate
sofoquen (ustedes)
no sofoquen (ustedes)
do not suffocate