
to stop (oneself)
-er verb
yo me detengo
I stop myself
te detienes
you stop yourself
él se detiene
he stops himself
nosotros nos detenemos
we stop ourselves
vosotros os detenéis
you stop yourselves
ellos se detienen
they stop themselves
yo me detenía
I used to stop myself / I was stopping myself
te detenías
you used to stop yourself / you were stopping yourself
él se detenía
he used to stop himself / he was stopping himself
nosotros nos deteníamos
we used to stop ourselves / we were stopping ourselves
vosotros os deteníais
you used to stop yourselves / you were stopping yourselves
ellos se detenían
they used to stop themselves / they were stopping themselves
yo me detuve
I stopped myself
te detuviste
you stopped yourself
él se detuvó
he stopped himself
nosotros nos detuvimos
we stopped ourselves
vosotros os detuvisteis
you stopped yourselves
ellos se detuvieron
they stopped themselves
yo me detendré
I will stop myself
te detendrás
you will stop yourself
él se detendrá
he will stop himself
nosotros nos detendremos
we will stop ourselves
vosotros os detendréis
you will stop yourselves
ellos se detendrán
they will stop themselves
yo me detendría
I would stop myself
te detendrías
you would stop yourself
él se detendría
he would stop himself
nosotros nos detendríamos
we would stop ourselves
vosotros os detendríais
you would stop yourselves
ellos se detendrían
they would stop themselves
yo me detenga
I stop myself
te detengas
you stop yourself
él se detenga
he stops himself
nosotros nos detengamos
we stop ourselves
vosotros os detengáis
you stop yourselves
ellos se detengan
they stop themselves
yo me detuviera
I stopped myself
te detuvieras
you stopped yourself
él se detuviera
he stopped himself
nosotros nos detuviéramos
we stopped ourselves
vosotros os detuvierais
you stopped yourselves
ellos se detuvieran
they stopped themselves
yo me detuviese
I stopped myself
te detuvieses
you stopped yourself
él se detuviese
he stopped himself
nosotros nos detuviésemos
we stopped ourselves
vosotros os detuvieseis
you stopped yourselves
ellos se detuviesen
they stopped themselves
yo me he detenido
I have stopped myself
te has detenido
you have stopped yourself
él se ha detenido
he has stopped himself
nosotros nos hemos detenido
we have stopped ourselves
vosotros os habéis detenido
you have stopped yourselves
ellos se han detenido
they have stopped themselves
yo me había detenido
I had stopped myself
te habías detenido
you had stopped yourself
él se había detenido
he had stopped himself
nosotros nos habíamos detenido
we had stopped ourselves
vosotros os habíais detenido
you had stopped yourselves
ellos se habían detenido
they had stopped themselves
yo me hube detenido
I had stopped myself
te hubiste detenido
you had stopped yourself
él se hubo detenido
he had stopped himself
nosotros nos hubimos detenido
we had stopped ourselves
vosotros os hubisteis detenido
you had stopped yourselves
ellos se hubieron detenido
they had stopped themselves
yo me habré detenido
I will have stopped myself
te habrás detenido
you will have stopped yourself
él se habrá detenido
he will have stopped himself
nosotros nos habremos detenido
we will have stopped ourselves
vosotros os habréis detenido
you will have stopped yourselves
ellos se habrán detenido
they will have stopped themselves
yo me habría detenido
I would have stopped myself
te habrías detenido
you would have stopped yourself
él se habría detenido
he would have stopped himself
nosotros nos habríamos detenido
we would have stopped ourselves
vosotros os habríais detenido
you would have stopped yourselves
ellos se habrían detenido
they would have stopped themselves
yo me haya detenido
I have stopped myself
te hayas detenido
you have stopped yourself
él se haya detenido
he has stopped himself
nosotros nos hayamos detenido
we have stopped ourselves
vosotros os hayáis detenido
you have stopped yourselves
ellos se hayan detenido
they have stopped themselves
yo me hubiera detenido
I had stopped myself
te hubieras detenido
you had stopped yourself
él se hubiera detenido
he had stopped himself
nosotros nos hubiéramos detenido
we had stopped ourselves
vosotros os hubierais detenido
you had stopped yourselves
ellos se hubieran detenido
they had stopped themselves
yo me hubiese detenido
I had stopped myself
te hubieses detenido
you had stopped yourself
él se hubiese detenido
he had stopped himself
nosotros nos hubiésemos detenido
we had stopped ourselves
vosotros os hubieseis detenido
you had stopped yourselves
ellos se hubiesen detenido
they had stopped themselves
yo me estoy deteniendo
I am stopping myself
te estás deteniendo
you are stopping yourself
él se está deteniendo
he is stopping himself
nosotros nos estamos deteniendo
we are stopping ourselves
vosotros os estáis deteniendo
you are stopping yourselves
ellos se están deteniendo
they are stopping themselves
yo estoy deteniéndome
I am stopping myself
estás deteniéndote
you are stopping yourself
él está deteniéndose
he is stopping himself
nosotros estamos deteniéndonos
we are stopping ourselves
vosotros estáis deteniéndoos
you are stopping yourselves
ellos están deteniéndose
they are stopping themselves
detente (tú)
stop yourself
no te detengas (tú)
do not stop yourself
deténgase (usted)
stop yourself
no se detenga (usted)
do not stop yourself
detengámonos (nosotros)
let's stop ourselves
no nos detengamos (nosotros)
let's not stop ourselves
deteneos (vosotros)
stop yourselves
no os detengáis (vosotros)
do not stop yourselves
deténganse (ustedes)
stop yourselves
no se detengan (ustedes)
do not stop yourselves