
to chat, to prattle
-ar verb
yo charlo
I chat
you chat
él charla
he chats
nosotros charlamos
we chat
vosotros charláis
you chat
ellos charlan
they chat
yo charlaba
I used to chat / I was chatting
you used to chat / you were chatting
él charlaba
he used to chat / he was chatting
nosotros charlábamos
we used to chat / we were chatting
vosotros charlabais
you used to chat / you were chatting
ellos charlaban
they used to chat / they were chatting
yo charlé
I chatted
you chatted
él charló
he chatted
nosotros charlamos
we chatted
vosotros charlasteis
you chatted
ellos charlaron
they chatted
yo charlaré
I will chat
you will chat
él charlará
he will chat
nosotros charlaremos
we will chat
vosotros charlaréis
you will chat
ellos charlarán
they will chat
yo charlaría
I would chat
you would chat
él charlaría
he would chat
nosotros charlaríamos
we would chat
vosotros charlaríais
you would chat
ellos charlarían
they would chat
yo charle
I chat
you chat
él charle
he chats
nosotros charlemos
we chat
vosotros charléis
you chat
ellos charlen
they chat
yo charlara
I chatted
you chatted
él charlara
he chatted
nosotros charláramos
we chatted
vosotros charlarais
you chatted
ellos charlaran
they chatted
yo charlase
I chatted
you chatted
él charlase
he chatted
nosotros charlásemos
we chatted
vosotros charlaseis
you chatted
ellos charlasen
they chatted
yo he charlado
I have chatted
has charlado
you have chatted
él ha charlado
he has chatted
nosotros hemos charlado
we have chatted
vosotros habéis charlado
you have chatted
ellos han charlado
they have chatted
yo había charlado
I had chatted
habías charlado
you had chatted
él había charlado
he had chatted
nosotros habíamos charlado
we had chatted
vosotros habíais charlado
you had chatted
ellos habían charlado
they had chatted
yo hube charlado
I had chatted
hubiste charlado
you had chatted
él hubo charlado
he had chatted
nosotros hubimos charlado
we had chatted
vosotros hubisteis charlado
you had chatted
ellos hubieron charlado
they had chatted
yo habré charlado
I will have chatted
habrás charlado
you will have chatted
él habrá charlado
he will have chatted
nosotros habremos charlado
we will have chatted
vosotros habréis charlado
you will have chatted
ellos habrán charlado
they will have chatted
yo habría charlado
I would have chatted
habrías charlado
you would have chatted
él habría charlado
he would have chatted
nosotros habríamos charlado
we would have chatted
vosotros habríais charlado
you would have chatted
ellos habrían charlado
they would have chatted
yo haya charlado
I have chatted
hayas charlado
you have chatted
él haya charlado
he has chatted
nosotros hayamos charlado
we have chatted
vosotros hayáis charlado
you have chatted
ellos hayan charlado
they have chatted
yo hubiera charlado
I had chatted
hubieras charlado
you had chatted
él hubiera charlado
he had chatted
nosotros hubiéramos charlado
we had chatted
vosotros hubierais charlado
you had chatted
ellos hubieran charlado
they had chatted
yo hubiese charlado
I had chatted
hubieses charlado
you had chatted
él hubiese charlado
he had chatted
nosotros hubiésemos charlado
we had chatted
vosotros hubieseis charlado
you had chatted
ellos hubiesen charlado
they had chatted
yo estoy charlando
I am chatting
estás charlando
you are chatting
él está charlando
he is chatting
nosotros estamos charlando
we are chatting
vosotros estáis charlando
you are chatting
ellos están charlando
they are chatting
charla (tú)
no charles (tú)
do not chat
charle (usted)
no charle (usted)
do not chat
charlemos (nosotros)
let's chat
no charlemos (nosotros)
let's not chat
charlad (vosotros)
no charléis (vosotros)
do not chat
charlen (ustedes)
no charlen (ustedes)
do not chat