
to undress oneself, to get undressed
-ir verb
stem change (present, preterit, present/imperfect subjunctive, progressive, commands)
yo me desvisto
I undress myself
te desvistes
you undress yourself
él se desviste
he undresses himself
nosotros nos desvestimos
we undress ourselves
vosotros os desvestís
you undress yourselves
ellos se desvisten
they undress themselves
yo me desvestía
I used to undress myself / I was undressing myself
te desvestías
you used to undress yourself / you were undressing yourself
él se desvestía
he used to undress himself / he was undressing himself
nosotros nos desvestíamos
we used to undress ourselves / we were undressing ourselves
vosotros os desvestíais
you used to undress yourselves / you were undressing yourselves
ellos se desvestían
they used to undress themselves / they were undressing themselve
yo me desvestí
I undressed myself
te desvestiste
you undressed yourself
él se desvistió
he undressed himself
nosotros nos desvestimos
we undressed ourselves
vosotros os desvestisteis
you undressed yourselves
ellos se desvistieron
they undressed themselves
yo me desvestiré
I will undress myself
te desvestirás
you will undress yourself
él se desvestirá
he will undress himself
nosotros nos desvestiremos
we will undress ourselves
vosotros os desvestiréis
you will undress yourselves
ellos se desvestirán
they will undress themselves
yo me desvestiría
I would undress myself
te desvestirías
you would undress yourself
él se desvestiría
he would undress himself
nosotros nos desvestiríamos
we would undress ourselves
vosotros os desvestiríais
you would undress yourselves
ellos se desvestirían
they would undress themselves
yo me desvista
I undress myself
te desvistas
you undress yourself
él se desvista
he undresses himself
nosotros nos desvistamos
we undress ourselves
vosotros os desvistáis
you undress yourselves
ellos se desvistan
they undress themselves
yo me desvistiera
I undressed myself
te desvistieras
you undressed yourself
él se desvistiera
he undressed himself
nosotros nos desvistiéramos
we undressed ourselves
vosotros os desvistierais
you undressed yourselves
ellos se desvistieran
they undressed themselves
yo me desvistiese
I undressed myself
te desvistieses
you undressed yourself
él se desvistiese
he undressed himself
nosotros nos desvistiésemos
we undressed ourselves
vosotros os desvistieseis
you undressed yourselves
ellos se desvistiesen
they undressed themselves
yo he desvestido
I have undressed myself
has desvestido
you have undressed yourself
él ha desvestido
he has undressed himself
nosotros hemos desvestido
we have undressed ourselves
vosotros habéis desvestido
you have undressed yourselves
ellos han desvestido
they have undressed themselves
yo había desvestido
I had undressed myself
habías desvestido
you had undressed yourself
él había desvestido
he had undressed himself
nosotros habíamos desvestido
we had undressed ourselves
vosotros habíais desvestido
you had undressed yourselves
ellos habían desvestido
they had undressed themselves
yo hube desvestido
I had undressed myself
hubiste desvestido
you had undressed yourself
él hubo desvestido
he had undressed himself
nosotros hubimos desvestido
we had undressed ourselves
vosotros hubisteis desvestido
you had undressed yourselves
ellos hubieron desvestido
they had undressed themselves
yo habré desvestido
I will have undressed myself
habrás desvestido
you will have undressed yourself
él habrá desvestido
he will have undressed himself
nosotros habremos desvestido
we will have undressed ourselves
vosotros habréis desvestido
you will have undressed yourselves
ellos habrán desvestido
they will have undressed themselves
yo habría desvestido
I would have undressed myself
habrías desvestido
you would have undressed yourself
él habría desvestido
he would have undressed himself
nosotros habríamos desvestido
we would have undressed ourselves
vosotros habríais desvestido
you would have undressed yourselves
ellos habrían desvestido
they would have undressed themselves
yo haya desvestido
I have undressed myself
hayas desvestido
you have undressed yourself
él haya desvestido
he has undressed himself
nosotros hayamos desvestido
we have undressed ourselves
vosotros hayáis desvestido
you have undressed yourselves
ellos hayan desvestido
they have undressed themselves
yo hubiera desvestido
I had undressed myself
hubieras desvestido
you had undressed yourself
él hubiera desvestido
he had undressed himself
nosotros hubiéramos desvestido
we had undressed ourselves
vosotros hubierais desvestido
you had undressed yourselves
ellos hubieran desvestido
they had undressed themselves
yo hubiese desvestido
I had undressed myself
hubieses desvestido
you had undressed yourself
él hubiese desvestido
he had undressed himself
nosotros hubiésemos desvestido
we had undressed ourselves
vosotros hubieseis desvestido
you had undressed yourselves
ellos hubiesen desvestido
they had undressed themselves
yo me estoy desvistiendo
I am undressing myself
te estás desvistiendo
you are undressing yourself
él se está desvistiendo
he is undressing himself
nosotros nos estamos desvistiendo
we are undressing ourselves
vosotros os estáis desvistiendo
you are undressing yourselves
ellos se están desvistiendo
they are undressing themselves
yo estoy desvistiéndome
I am undressing myself
estás desvistiéndote
you are undressing yourself
él está desvistiéndose
he is undressing himself
nosotros estamos desvistiéndonos
we are undressing ourselves
vosotros estáis desvistiéndoos
you are undressing yourselves
ellos están desvistiéndose
they are undressing themselves
desvístete (tú)
undress yourself
no te desvistas (tú)
do not undress yourself
desvístase (usted)
undress yourself
no se desvista (usted)
do not undress yourself
desvistámonos (nosotros)
let's undress ourselves
no nos desvistamos (nosotros)
let's not undress ourselves
desvestíos (vosotros)
undress yourselves
no os desvistáis (vosotros)
do not undress yourselves
desvístanse (ustedes)
undress yourselves
no se desvistan (ustedes)
do not undress yourselves