
to be (get) divorced
-ar verb
yo me divorcio
I get divorced
te divorcias
you get divorced
él se divorcia
he gets divorced
nosotros nos divorciamos
we get divorced
vosotros os divorciáis
you get divorced
ellos se divorcian
they get divorced
yo me divorciaba
I used to get divorced / I was getting divorced
te divorciabas
you used to get divorced / you were getting divorced
él se divorciaba
he used to get divorced / he was getting divorced
nosotros nos divorciábamos
we used to get divorced / we were getting divorced
vosotros os divorciabais
you used to get divorced / you were getting divorced
ellos se divorciaban
they used to get divorced / they were getting divorced
yo me divorcié
I got divorced
te divorciaste
you got divorced
él se divorció
he got divorced
nosotros nos divorciamos
we got divorced
vosotros os divorciasteis
you got divorced
ellos se divorciaron
they got divorced
yo me divorciaré
I will get divorced
te divorciarás
you will get divorced
él se divorciará
he will get divorced
nosotros nos divorciaremos
we will get divorced
vosotros os divorciaréis
you will get divorced
ellos se divorciarán
they will get divorced
yo me divorciaría
I would get divorced
te divorciarías
you would get divorced
él se divorciaría
he would get divorced
nosotros nos divorciaríamos
we would get divorced
vosotros os divorciaríais
you would get divorced
ellos se divorciarían
they would get divorced
yo me divorcie
I get divorced
te divorcies
you get divorced
él se divorcie
he gets divorced
nosotros nos divorciemos
we get divorced
vosotros os divorciéis
you get divorced
ellos se divorcien
they get divorced
yo me divorciara
I got divorced
te divorciaras
you got divorced
él se divorciara
he got divorced
nosotros nos divorciáramos
we got divorced
vosotros os divorciarais
you got divorced
ellos se divorciaran
they got divorced
yo me divorciase
I got divorced
te divorciases
you got divorced
él se divorciase
he got divorced
nosotros nos divorciásemos
we got divorced
vosotros os divorciaseis
you got divorced
ellos se divorciasen
they got divorced
yo me he divorciado
I have got divorced
te has divorciado
you have got divorced
él se ha divorciado
he has got divorced
nosotros nos hemos divorciado
we have got divorced
vosotros os habéis divorciado
you have got divorced
ellos se han divorciado
they have got divorced
yo me había divorciado
I had got divorced
te habías divorciado
you had got divorced
él se había divorciado
he had got divorced
nosotros nos habíamos divorciado
we had got divorced
vosotros os habíais divorciado
you had got divorced
ellos se habían divorciado
they had got divorced
yo me hube divorciado
I had got divorced
te hubiste divorciado
you had got divorced
él se hubo divorciado
he had got divorced
nosotros nos hubimos divorciado
we had got divorced
vosotros os hubisteis divorciado
you had got divorced
ellos se hubieron divorciado
they had got divorced
yo me habré divorciado
I will have got divorced
te habrás divorciado
you will have got divorced
él se habrá divorciado
he will have got divorced
nosotros nos habremos divorciado
we will have got divorced
vosotros os habréis divorciado
you will have got divorced
ellos se habrán divorciado
they will have got divorced
yo me habría divorciado
I would have got divorced
te habrías divorciado
you would have got divorced
él se habría divorciado
he would have got divorced
nosotros nos habríamos divorciado
we would have got divorced
vosotros os habríais divorciado
you would have got divorced
ellos se habrían divorciado
they would have got divorced
yo me haya divorciado
I have got divorced
te hayas divorciado
you have got divorced
él se haya divorciado
he has got divorced
nosotros nos hayamos divorciado
we have got divorced
vosotros os hayáis divorciado
you have got divorced
ellos se hayan divorciado
they have got divorced
yo me hubiera divorciado
I had got divorced
te hubieras divorciado
you had got divorced
él se hubiera divorciado
he had got divorced
nosotros nos hubiéramos divorciado
we had got divorced
vosotros os hubierais divorciado
you had got divorced
ellos se hubieran divorciado
they had got divorced
yo me hubiese divorciado
I had got divorced
te hubieses divorciado
you had got divorced
él se hubiese divorciado
he had got divorced
nosotros nos hubiésemos divorciado
we had got divorced
vosotros os hubieseis divorciado
you had got divorced
ellos se hubiesen divorciado
they had got divorced
yo me estoy divorciando
I am getting divorced
te estás divorciando
you are getting divorced
él se está divorciando
he is getting divorced
nosotros nos estamos divorciando
we are getting divorced
vosotros os estáis divorciando
you are getting divorced
ellos se están divorciando
they are getting divorced
yo estoy divorciándome
I am getting divorced
estás divorciándote
you are getting divorced
él está divorciándose
he is getting divorced
nosotros estamos divorciándonos
we are getting divorced
vosotros estáis divorciándoos
you are getting divorced
ellos están divorciándose
they are getting divorced
divórciate (tú)
get divorced
no te divorcies (tú)
do not get divorced
divórciese (usted)
get divorced
no se divorcie (usted)
do not get divorced
divorciémonos (nosotros)
let's get divorced
no nos divorciemos (nosotros)
let's not get divorced
divorciaos (vosotros)
get divorced
no os divorciéis (vosotros)
do not get divorced
divórciense (ustedes)
get divorced
no se divorcien (ustedes)
do not get divorced