
to get sick, to fall sick, to become sick, to fall ill, to become ill
-ar verb
yo me enfermo
I get sick
te enfermas
you get sick
él se enferma
he gets sick
nosotros nos enfermamos
we get sick
vosotros os enfermáis
you get sick
ellos se enferman
they get sick
yo me enfermaba
I used to get sick / I was getting sick
te enfermabas
you used to get sick / you were getting sick
él se enfermaba
he used to get sick / he was getting sick
nosotros nos enfermábamos
we used to get sick / we were getting sick
vosotros os enfermabais
you used to get sick / you were getting sick
ellos se enfermaban
they used to get sick / they were getting sick
yo me enfermé
I got sick
te enfermaste
you got sick
él se enfermó
he got sick
nosotros nos enfermamos
we got sick
vosotros os enfermasteis
you got sick
ellos se enfermaron
they got sick
yo me enfermaré
I will get sick
te enfermarás
you will get sick
él se enfermará
he will get sick
nosotros nos enfermaremos
we will get sick
vosotros os enfermaréis
you will get sick
ellos se enfermarán
they will get sick
yo me enfermaría
I would get sick
te enfermarías
you would get sick
él se enfermaría
he would get sick
nosotros nos enfermaríamos
we would get sick
vosotros os enfermaríais
you would get sick
ellos se enfermarían
they would get sick
yo me enferme
I get sick
te enfermes
you get sick
él se enferme
he gets sick
nosotros nos enfermemos
we get sick
vosotros os enferméis
you get sick
ellos se enfermen
they get sick
yo me enfermara
I got sick
te enfermaras
you got sick
él se enfermara
he got sick
nosotros nos enfermáramos
we got sick
vosotros os enfermarais
you got sick
ellos se enfermaran
they got sick
yo me enfermase
I got sick
te enfermases
you got sick
él se enfermase
he got sick
nosotros nos enfermásemos
we got sick
vosotros os enfermaseis
you got sick
ellos se enfermasen
they got sick
yo me he enfermado
I have got sick
te has enfermado
you have got sick
él se ha enfermado
he has got sick
nosotros nos hemos enfermado
we have got sick
vosotros os habéis enfermado
you have got sick
ellos se han enfermado
they have got sick
yo me había enfermado
I had got sick
te habías enfermado
you had got sick
él se había enfermado
he had got sick
nosotros nos habíamos enfermado
we had got sick
vosotros os habíais enfermado
you had got sick
ellos se habían enfermado
they had got sick
yo me hube enfermado
I had got sick
te hubiste enfermado
you had got sick
él se hubo enfermado
he had got sick
nosotros nos hubimos enfermado
we had got sick
vosotros os hubisteis enfermado
you had got sick
ellos se hubieron enfermado
they had got sick
yo me habré enfermado
I will have got sick
te habrás enfermado
you will have got sick
él se habrá enfermado
he will have got sick
nosotros nos habremos enfermado
we will have got sick
vosotros os habréis enfermado
you will have got sick
ellos se habrán enfermado
they will have got sick
yo me habría enfermado
I would have got sick
te habrías enfermado
you would have got sick
él se habría enfermado
he would have got sick
nosotros nos habríamos enfermado
we would have got sick
vosotros os habríais enfermado
you would have got sick
ellos se habrían enfermado
they would have got sick
yo me haya enfermado
I have got sick
te hayas enfermado
you have got sick
él se haya enfermado
he has got sick
nosotros nos hayamos enfermado
we have got sick
vosotros os hayáis enfermado
you have got sick
ellos se hayan enfermado
they have got sick
yo me hubiera enfermado
I had got sick
te hubieras enfermado
you had got sick
él se hubiera enfermado
he had got sick
nosotros nos hubiéramos enfermado
we had got sick
vosotros os hubierais enfermado
you had got sick
ellos se hubieran enfermado
they had got sick
yo me hubiese enfermado
I had got sick
te hubieses enfermado
you had got sick
él se hubiese enfermado
he had got sick
nosotros nos hubiésemos enfermado
we had got sick
vosotros os hubieseis enfermado
you had got sick
ellos se hubiesen enfermado
they had got sick
yo me estoy enfermando
I am getting sick
te estás enfermando
you are getting sick
él se está enfermando
he is getting sick
nosotros nos estamos enfermando
we are getting sick
vosotros os estáis enfermando
you are getting sick
ellos se están enfermando
they are getting sick
yo estoy enfermándome
I am getting sick
estás enfermándote
you are getting sick
él está enfermándose
he is getting sick
nosotros estamos enfermándonos
we are getting sick
vosotros estáis enfermándoos
you are getting sick
ellos están enfermándose
they are getting sick
enférmate (tú)
get sick
no te enfermes (tú)
do not get sick
enférmese (usted)
get sick
no se enferme (usted)
do not get sick
enfermémonos (nosotros)
let's get sick
no nos enfermemos (nosotros)
let's not get sick
enfermaos (vosotros)
get sick
no os enferméis (vosotros)
do not get sick
enférmense (ustedes)
get sick
no se enfermen (ustedes)
do not get sick