
to distribute, to deal cards
-ir verb
yo reparto
I distribute
you distribute
él reparte
he distributes
nosotros repartimos
we distribute
vosotros repartís
you distribute
ellos reparten
they distribute
yo repartía
I used to distribute / I was distributing
you used to distribute / you were distributing
él repartía
he used to distribute / he was distributing
nosotros repartíamos
we used to distribute / we were distributing
vosotros repartíais
you used to distribute / you were distributing
ellos repartían
they used to distribute / they were distributing
yo repartí
I distributed
you distributed
él repartió
he distributed
nosotros repartimos
we distributed
vosotros repartisteis
you distributed
ellos repartieron
they distributed
yo repartiré
I will distribute
you will distribute
él repartirá
he will distribute
nosotros repartiremos
we will distribute
vosotros repartiréis
you will distribute
ellos repartirán
they will distribute
yo repartiría
I would distribute
you would distribute
él repartiría
he would distribute
nosotros repartiríamos
we would distribute
vosotros repartiríais
you would distribute
ellos repartirían
they would distribute
yo reparta
I distribute
you distribute
él reparta
he distributes
nosotros repartamos
we distribute
vosotros repartáis
you distribute
ellos repartan
they distribute
yo repartiera
I distributed
you distributed
él repartiera
he distributed
nosotros repartiéramos
we distributed
vosotros repartierais
you distributed
ellos repartieran
they distributed
yo repartiese
I distributed
you distributed
él repartiese
he distributed
nosotros repartiésemos
we distributed
vosotros repartieseis
you distributed
ellos repartiesen
they distributed
yo he repartido
I have distributed
has repartido
you have distributed
él ha repartido
he has distributed
nosotros hemos repartido
we have distributed
vosotros habéis repartido
you have distributed
ellos han repartido
they have distributed
yo había repartido
I had distributed
habías repartido
you had distributed
él había repartido
he had distributed
nosotros habíamos repartido
we had distributed
vosotros habíais repartido
you had distributed
ellos habían repartido
they had distributed
yo hube repartido
I had distributed
hubiste repartido
you had distributed
él hubo repartido
he had distributed
nosotros hubimos repartido
we had distributed
vosotros hubisteis repartido
you had distributed
ellos hubieron repartido
they had distributed
yo habré repartido
I will have distributed
habrás repartido
you will have distributed
él habrá repartido
he will have distributed
nosotros habremos repartido
we will have distributed
vosotros habréis repartido
you will have distributed
ellos habrán repartido
they will have distributed
yo habría repartido
I would have distributed
habrías repartido
you would have distributed
él habría repartido
he would have distributed
nosotros habríamos repartido
we would have distributed
vosotros habríais repartido
you would have distributed
ellos habrían repartido
they would have distributed
yo haya repartido
I have distributed
hayas repartido
you have distributed
él haya repartido
he has distributed
nosotros hayamos repartido
we have distributed
vosotros hayáis repartido
you have distributed
ellos hayan repartido
they have distributed
yo hubiera repartido
I had distributed
hubieras repartido
you had distributed
él hubiera repartido
he had distributed
nosotros hubiéramos repartido
we had distributed
vosotros hubierais repartido
you had distributed
ellos hubieran repartido
they had distributed
yo hubiese repartido
I had distributed
hubieses repartido
you had distributed
él hubiese repartido
he had distributed
nosotros hubiésemos repartido
we had distributed
vosotros hubieseis repartido
you had distributed
ellos hubiesen repartido
they had distributed
yo estoy repartiendo
I am distributing
estás repartiendo
you are distributing
él está repartiendo
he is distributing
nosotros estamos repartiendo
we are distributing
vosotros estáis repartiendo
you are distributing
ellos están repartiendo
they are distributing
reparte (tú)
no repartas (tú)
do not distribute
reparta (usted)
no reparta (usted)
do not distribute
repartamos (nosotros)
let's distribute
no repartamos (nosotros)
let's not distribute
repartid (vosotros)
no repartáis (vosotros)
do not distribute
repartan (ustedes)
no repartan (ustedes)
do not distribute